
"You came close enough to know my heartbeat but still not close enough for me."
Oscar Isaac


These tears lack flow.
This ink is dead.
What have you broken?

This heart shakes
Like yellowish purple foliage
In capricious disquiet.

These words break
Like hollow-hearted smiles
And I can't let you in.

I usually find myself torn between the cosmic orchestra and the abysmal void. This time, though, I'm not stuck. I'm somewhere else. The alchemic lake has dried. The trees of knowledge are naked. But the sky is clear. Always remember that the sky is clear.

You entrust your heart and its blood-flow to someone and you suddenly find yourself waking up to wet, reddened lips.

"So con, convince your mirror, as you've always done before, giving substance to shadows, giving substance evermore." Whatever the poison, it's not really making any difference is it? And no matter how sweet the music, its mysterious remedial force can't stop this internal haemorrhage. And that's okay. I'm okay.

Now take this uninspired garbage and bury it alongside your decapitated principles.

This despair is all I have
And it's not yours to hold
I'm not yours to hold.

This encounter is a delusion,
Boring encrypted mythology.
I'm not here.

This perseverance is an empty shell,
And now I break it into letters.
Everything will change.
Everything will change.


"Oh why can't you let go
Like a bird in the snow

This is no place to build your home."
Imagine Dragons


"Cut out all the ropes and let me fall."


The night is dark. The breath is stale. I try my best.

She's the fastest runner I've ever seen. A ball of fire bouncing from star to star. An untouchable comet. But the subtle truth is that she's so much more than that. And when she starts running toward herself, she's gonna see how beautiful she is and things won't be as blurry.

My cliché metaphors are usually based on natural elements. And that's okay. I try my best.

My identity is flaunting its cartwheels in between the sea-waves. And yeah, I can't see a thing. The purple sky is dead. And the wind around me is impregnated with all the words I fail to transcribe. That's okay too. Disappointed idealists and fractured perfectionists. The road to spontaneity is like recycled toilet paper. His dead eyes cover the withered leaves that still hang onto his rib cage with their torn and scentless wings.

I don't deserve my friends. They're wonderful. Maybe one day, I'll feel better about this.

I used to think that we become what we lose. I don't think so anymore even though I know it's true. The paradox that paints the difference between being and becoming stares at you in the face every other second. Some of them know that every word is a battle, that every thought is an ethical decision, that there are so many people. There are so many people.

The plot lines aren't that thick. The patterns are just too entangled and the variables insanely hard to define. But it's all the same drama really. The good part is that character development is interestingly unpredictable. What are you waiting for?

I wish I knew what to do next. I wish I knew what to say next. But incoherence is all I can offer right now. And that's okay because at least I'm not pretending that I'm not confused. How can I not be? With all these old versions of me buried layer upon layer, incongruent crap hiding behind 'spiritual existentialism' and 'metaphorical resonance', how can I not be confused? Maybe he's right. Maybe I am a 'bullshit artist'.

I'm sorry. I know this isn't good enough. But that's okay. It's okay because it helps me relieve my repressed deep-seated anger. I'm just tired, okay? I'm tired and my heart remains a no-show. You shouldn't have said what you said. It's not okay. I'm not okay.

The bullshit is clogging my throat, leaking through my fingertips. So, yeah, here you go.

The light is dark. The breath is hopeful. I try my best for love's sake.

The quest continues. The lies keep piling up. The ocean is as wild as ever. The sky is clear. The sky is clear. Shuffle the cards. Re-shuffle.


"There is a light and it never goes out."
The Smiths


"Well, bless my soul
You're a lonely soul
'Cause you won't let go
Of anything you hold."

Ryan Tedder


Do you know where your heart is?

The hardest questions are those you do not ask. And all their answers are buried in your mental blind spot. Now there are right and wrong answers in this 'visual snow'. Then there's you, covered in the multithreaded blankets of your optic nerve, pretending this blood is acrylic. And I'm there too. Or at least, part of me is. You won't find me beneath the shadow of synchronicity because I won't be there. But perhaps I'll be that forgotten variable that got crossed out by mistake in the mystical equation resonance always wears as a necklace. Crossed out and forgotten, sure, but I'll be there.

My fixation on a number of mysteriously attractive expressions remains unchanged. And that's okay. Maybe they're those empty diners along the road to purpose. I know most people are ideas - I think. And that's okay too. So are you an idea in their life? Are you a road sign or a street light? Are you a traffic signal or a torn bumper sticker? Are you one of those ideas that come with an expiration date?

He wanted to tell her everything but he didn't. Metaphors came rushing to his mind. The light that drowned the river. The moonlight that jumped off tree branches to land on her skin with an assortment of purple morning glories. His favorite fictional friends implored him to tell her about them, about all their chilling moments. Then the voices came and reminded him about the purple death of dawn and the failed birth of stars, the breathless haste and the daunting heart, and... those sudden bursts of heartache that fucking burn every beautiful image in your head. What happened to you?

I don't know. I don't know if there's someone who can save you from that freefall under the sheets. I don't know if there's a remedy for all those who were knocked unconscious by the lies of society. I don't know if this rotten world can be fixed. It's as if there's this force, you know, a force that won't stop erasing people's identities. Is it their doing?

That was useless.

The world is ugly. And the lonely stranger awakens everyday to walk it alone, knowing that, this, it isn't his home. Wherever he goes, the inviolable fabric of existence asks him terribly ambiguous questions.

What do you see?

Come back inside. Get back to bed.

Don't just stand there; paintings are formless. Don't look at me like that. I can see the dense blood drops slowly sliding off the right corner of your lips, you know? And though I'm not sure whether they're dreams or sins and secrets, I know your eyes can smell their rusted scent of despair. I know your heartbeats have long given up on becoming free-floating clouds, hopelessly hoping to swing the self-inflicted gore back inside. I know that you know that the children of a broken cardiac rhythm are but dehydrated, forlorn hands, recurrently feeding you the delusion within the delusion, punching holes through the painting, spitting you out as you swallow the void and exhale the inner child - dead on the dead knees that got tired from chasing you, his soul submerged in a shallow fictional red.

I don't dare you to move. But please, please do. And, for now, it's okay if you don't mind the gap between Kant and Kierkegaard. Because we both know only divine grace can you lift you up. And we both know that not a single soul cares about your inner battle - because they all know you're collateral damage.

No. [...] Because some singers pause their singing only to rekindle the hope beneath the moment.

So let there be light and many, many shadows. And blessed be the brave that are stuck in between, both wound and unwound by the teleologically suspended question, resting invisibly atop the woven waves of dreaded ink.

The question is right there. It's right here.

Do you think you can find it?


"People say that it can't work, black and white; well here we make it work, everyday. We have our disagreements, of course, but before we reach for hate, always, always, we remember the Titans."


"And after all this time that you still owe, you're still a good-for-nothing-I-don't-know."
My Chemical Romance


I learned that Art is an explosion.

"These are the nights and the lights that we've faded. These are the words but the words aren't coming out."

My head is burning. And I'm not sure what this headache is trying to tell me. I know that something's wrong. I know that I'm way off the right frequency. But I know what I'm doing. Or at least I know that I'm pretending to know what I'm doing.

His neural pathways were beset with rain. And the drainage system he referred to as 'diagonal creativity' was severely broken. It's interesting how all broken things smell the same. Perhaps fictional tears can claw their way through those clogged holes that were meant to let the light inside. But no, it's still pretty dark in here.

"And when we go don't blame us, we'll let the fire just bathe us."

I feel like I'm that child who never finds a good place to hide, maybe because he's so desperate to be found. The only problem is that I can't recognize any of these kids with whom I'm playing, probably because we all have the same face. I was never the explorer, you know. Back then I used to stick to a certain routine so I don't run into the hell I was trying to forget. And now, I usually go for disappearing in the illusory smoke screen of metaphors made of tree leaves and moonlit ocean waves. But my mind won't have it. I wonder why. I'm supposed to be really good at hiding. It's rather funny though, how the two main games I played as a kid were centered around hiding, running away and in ultimately getting caught or found.

"Give me a shot to remember and you can take all the pain away from me."

There are no rays through this door. My body is waking up the morning and staying out late. But somehow it feels as though I'm still there. I'm still in my beautifully messy dark room, buried in the comfort of my bed, my eyes glued to that same old laptop screen reflecting my unholy spirit - dusty, dim and impenetrable.

It was beautiful. It was perfect. But, now, the idea of it is just too overwhelming to fathom. So allow me to hide behind the scenes. Allow me to fade in the vagueness of that mist beneath past and distant pain. Allow me to revert to that forgotten inner child who broke all his crayons because he thought colors were life's biggest lie.

"Cause I see you lying next to me, with words I thought I'd never speak, awake and unafraid, asleep or dead."

This symphony is a pendulum. And it's going down swinging, for real. And all the martyrs of the world, they presuppose that the cosmos is singing their song - and some of them, I guess, got it partially right. As for all those warriors who desperately seek immortality - though they don't even have the power to catch a single moment - they don't really get it yet. Maybe they never will. Then come the players, stuck in a silent theater whose audience is a bunch of shapeshifting mirrors, whose closing-curtain-soundtrack is that noise dying people make when they meet face-to-face with terminal regret. And finally, there are the lovers, the humble artists who can breathe in faith and breathe out kindness and who, in between, can be the instruments of the grand design - the divine symphony. But yeah, all these circles intersect. So good luck in finding yourself. And good luck with all those demons. If you need anything, I'll be in my room.

"Never fade in the dark. Just remember you will always burn as bright. The light behind your eyes."

Dear myocardial explosions, kindly turn down the volume.


"Do or die, you'll never make me
Because the world will never take my heart
Go and try, you'll never break me
We want it all, we wanna play this part
I won't explain or say I'm sorry
I'm unashamed, I'm gonna show my scar
Give a cheer for all the broken
Listen here, because it's who we are."
My Chemical Romance


"Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes."
Carl Jung


I don't know what to say. 

Maybe he needs to let them travel alone. Maybe she needs to stop sacrificing her own happiness for other people. Maybe they need to stay in their world of delusion. Maybe I need to be less ambiguous. And maybe I can't let anyone in because I don't understand self-love. And maybe I should tell my best friend that I'm here for him even though we haven't been talking for a while. And maybe I like uncertainty. Maybe I somehow find it safe. And, maybe, you're just pretending to be yourself.

I still don't know what to say.

It doesn't have to be good. It just has to come out. What are you talking about? Well, the words of course. Because throughout this lonely course I have never hurt anyone intentionally. Because I'm tired. Because this needs to come out. It's good that I'm sick. This way I can pretend that these tears are past sins and not a result of my allergic reactions. You break down walls to find new ones right behind them. What an ugly scene. It sure feels that all the poetry in the world has died. No it doesn't you moron. Why are you writing this anyway? No one's gonna get this. No one is ever gonna get you. You know that. You've always known that. Well it doesn't matter anyway. 

Yeah, whatever.

Sure, you can analyze these lines. You can project them onto the vast data you have stored in your head. And you can try to dress the idea you have of me with that worn-out fabric. But they won't fit. Because nothing really fits, you see. Because the models we design are always flawed. No matter what we tell ourselves in hindsight, they, like us, are always flawed; the game is rigged - no it isn't. But that's okay. Because it wouldn't be fun without all the broken parts and the missing pieces. There would be no point. Yes I just changed the subject.


These cigarettes taste like shit. But they're still better than this shitload of one-dimensional patterns you're writing. A disgrace to the craft and a disappointment to your parents - outstanding. Even your own defense mechanisms are laughing at you. Aren't you gonna end your pathetic literary attempt with a late twist of fate like you always do?  No I won't. Hey maybe you should scan your head. I think something's wrong with your prefrontal cortex.


Allow me to spit out my fears and insecurities as I read these words with the voice in your head - or perhaps as the child in you softly whispers them for me. No I'm not okay but thank you for asking. Of course I'm okay. 

It's just that I'm overwhelmed you know?

Yeah just go back to sleep. 

I just remembered what happened in the afternoon. It was a good day. Here's to synchronicity.

Wait what happens when two mirrors stare into each other for too long?


"La Loba sings over the bones she has gathered. To sing means to use the soul-voice. It means to say on the breath the truth of one's power and one's need, to breathe soul over the thing that is ailing or in need of restoration. This is done by descending into the deepest mood of great love and feeling, till one's desire for relationship with the wildish Self overflows, then to speak one's soul from that frame of mind." 
Clarissa Pinkola Estes