
"Everything is grey, his hair, his smoke, his dreams. And now he's so devoid of color, he don't know what it means. And he's blue."


All the pictures were black and white.
But she had grey eyes.

Picture your most valued object. It could be something you bought or found, or perhaps it was a gift from someone. Okay. Now think about the event that has hurt you the most. It could be something you did or, perhaps, something that was done to you, or maybe, to someone who is more you than you, more important to you than you. Now let's call the picture 'O' for the object that is now in your hand - in the realm of fiction - and we'll call the sound 'H' for the hell it made or still makes you feel - in the realm of 'reality'.

But now, we need to play a game. We shall call it Oh! The Dramatic Game. You need to say H out loud while imagining that you're throwing O in the ocean. Yes, you need to say it out loud - the thing that hurts you the most. If there are multiple objects and hells, you need to picture all the O's drowning and say all the H's out loud. Also, since you probably haven't done the H part yet, it has to be said in a musical way, as if Hell were a song.

So say it now, out loud, over and over, until your most prized possession sinks in the water.

If you haven't said it yet, please stop reading. Only carry on if you did.

Congratulations on reaching the next level. I hope you didn't cheat.

You must now think about your ultimate purpose, the reason you're here, the dream you were born to achieve. Read on only if you know what that is. And, now, picture the person you love the most. It doesn't matter whether their body is dead or alive. They just need to be smiling in your head. We shall call this game DL: The Spiritual Game. In case you're wondering, D is for Divine and L is for Love. And there is only one rule in DL, and it is that your heart makes all the rules. So imagine whatever comes to mind when you think about your truest dream. And then say whatever you want to say now, out loud, to the person you love the most.

In brief, at the end of the game, before you die, you need to find the relationship between O and D and it has to be right dosage for the sake of your potential equilibrium. Meanwhile, you should also tell L about H, if you haven't yet, even if you're not sure they're listening.

Beyond delusion, in the world of souls and mirrors, silently frozen in pictures, the eye can only see two colors: Right and Wrong.
So look closely. What color are your eyes?
Look again.

What do you see?


"You're ripped at every edge but you're a masterpiece."